Monday, February 2, 2009

did bungle commit rape?


-dibbell (the author) did a good job of converting me.  it doesn't matter whether it was in the virtual MOO world or not.  what matters is when you violate an adult woman so badly she has "posttraumatic tears streaming down her face."  bungle WAS being a "fuckhead."  how messed up in the head do you have to be to log onto LambdaMOO from NYU and publicly mutilate / terrorize multiple people on the other side of the country?  the fact that bungle chose to bring other MOO users into the living room to commit these gross acts shows his viciousness.  and to those who don't believe a rape can occur online, remember the whole concept of cyber-sex.  it's real.  people do it.  "sex is never so much an exchange of liquids as it is an exchange of signs," writes dibbell.  i admit i'm immediately turned off by anything remotely resembling world of warcraft, but this bungle guy really was a WEIRDO.  his reappearance as dr. jest only added to the eeriness.  i'm glad JoeFeedack toaded his ass.  what a creep.

what the class says...
-there are things that are absolutely life altering in made-up worlds (like watching a clockwork orange or psycho).  in a virtual world, you have an emotional investment in your character.  megan meier is the most messed up case study in this debate (she was the 13 yr. old who committed suicide after her neighbor / ex-friend, w/ the help of her mom created a fake myspace boyfriend, asked meier out, broke up w/ meier, called her "fat," a "slut," and told her the world would be a better place w/o her).

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